Achieve Your Financial Goals with Personal Loans in Geelong

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Meet Your Financial Needs

Whether you need money for a fun trip, a recreational vehicle, debt consolidation or anything else, applying for personal loans is a good idea.

Many people need extra money from time to time. In some cases, you may need extra money urgently to regain control of a challenging budget situation. For example, you may need to pay off high-interest rate credit cards to eliminate large payments from your budget. In other cases, funds are desired to make an exciting purchase or go on a trip to improve your quality of life. Regardless of how you plan to spend the extra cash, you can use personal loans from Geelong Finance Company to meet your needs.
Couple Working on Their Home Finances — Geelong West, Vic — Geelong Finance Company
Cute Couple with Bills and Laptop at Home — Geelong West, Vic — Geelong Finance Company

Using Your Funds for Debt Consolidation

One of the primary purposes of our personal loans is debt consolidation. Your current credit cards may have a high-interest rate, and you may be struggling to make a dent in your effort to pay down the debt. You may also have a high-interest rate personal loan. While repayment is challenging, you may also have trouble making large monthly payments on time. 

You can use a personal loan to reduce the interest rate and establish the debt on a fixed repayment schedule by refinancing. You could also combine multiple debt accounts into a single personal loan to simplify your financial management efforts. You could also reduce your total monthly debt payment and regain control over your finances.

Beyond Debt Consolidation

While many of our clients in Geelong will apply for a personal loan to consolidate debt, others want extra cash for fun items or memorable experiences. If you plan to take an exciting holiday to an exotic location, you need extra cash to fund your trip. If you have plans to buy a caravan, a motorbike, a boat or a jet ski, you also need money to make your purchase. These are luxuries that you may not otherwise be able to pay for all at once. A personal loan from Geelong Finance Company gives you an easy way to pay for these items and experiences with affordable monthly payments.


As you can see, there are many ways that you can use your money from a personal loan, and Geelong Finance Company is your local resource to turn to. Regardless of your plans for the money, we are ready to help you set up a loan that meets your needs. Contact Geelong Finance Company today to learn more about our loans and get started on your application.

If you need prompt funding, talk to our friendly, professional team on (03) 5222 5433.

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